Monday, April 26, 2010

C Programming - 9

 Multiple Choice Single Answer


When the method is chosen and performed on the data, the object status changes. The static object assumes :-

  Correct Answer  

Dynamic state

  Your Answer  

Static state




Functions are written to avoid rewriting the same section of code which requires oftenly.

  Correct Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Use case defines and describes what happens in the system in logical order. This is termed as :-

  Correct Answer  

System behaviour

  Your Answer  

System designing


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Due to complex interactions, interaction diagrams are usually difficult to draw & read. The remedy for this is :-

  Correct Answer  

To split the use cases into smaller activities or tasks with specifi goals

  Your Answer  

To split the use cases into smaller activities or tasks with specifi goals




A structure variable can be passed to a function.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Select The Blank


The address of the zeroth element can also be passed by just passing the ________ of the array.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Select The Blank


The link between the program and the operating systme is a structure called ________

  Correct Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


When an array has both rows and columns it is called as:-

  Correct Answer  

2-D array , Matrix

  Your Answer  

2-D array




When function is called by itself, it is known as recursive function.

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  Your Answer  



 Select The Blank


________ is an assignment operator.

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Two dimensional array has :-

  Correct Answer  

Rows , Columns

  Your Answer  

Rows , Columns


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


A single dimensional array has :-

  Correct Answer  

Only rows

  Your Answer  

Dimension never refers to no. of rows and columns.


 Select The Blank


Operation between ________ and integer always yields an integer result

  Correct Answer  

an integer

  Your Answer  

an integer


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Studying system domain, identifying classes & objects with their properties and expressing them with eight notations/diagrams is called as

  Correct Answer  

Object modeling of system.

  Your Answer  

Object modeling of system.




There is no three dimensional array

  Correct Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Which function is used to close a file?

  Correct Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Single Answer


In logical AND :-

  Correct Answer  

Both the conditions have to be TRUE

  Your Answer  

Both the conditions have to be TRUE


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


The language used by UA to develop Object Oriented systems is :-

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Single Answer


A sequence diagram shows an interaction arranged in time sequence in its :-

  Correct Answer  

Logical order

  Your Answer  

Logical order


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


In this the condition is specified at the beginning of the loop :-

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Which of the following are basic data types in C?

  Correct Answer  

int , float , char

  Your Answer  

int , float , char


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Use case steps are executed in :-

  Correct Answer  

Logical order

  Your Answer  

Serial order


 Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer

Access Layer under OOA

Objects whose role is to communicate to data storage.

Objects whose role is to communicate to data storage.

Layered architecture under TSD

User interface tightly coupled with data

Objects with which user interacts.

Business Layer under OOA

Objects that represent business with data and behaviour.

Objects that represent business with data and behaviour.

UI layer under OOA

Objects with which user interacts.

User interface tightly coupled with data


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


What will be the output of the following main(){ char c='d';float f=1; printf("%c", c); printf("%f", c * f);}

  Correct Answer  

d , 100.000000

  Your Answer  

d , 100.000000


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Which tasks are performed on opening a file in read mode?

  Correct Answer  

searches a file on the disk , loading a file into memory in presense and returning NULL in case of absent , setting up a character pointer to the first character

  Your Answer  

searches a file on the disk , loading a file into memory in presense and returning NULL in case of absent , setting up a character pointer to the first character


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Which of the following functions are used to set all / n characters of a string to a given character?

  Correct Answer  

strset , strnset

  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Single Answer


This funciton is used to convert a string to lowercase :-

  Correct Answer  


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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Which of the following functions are used for formatted input/output operations?

  Correct Answer  

printf , scanf

  Your Answer  

printf , scanf , getch()


 Select The Blank


Any C statement ends with ________.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Single Answer


The approach of object oriented analysis and design that centers on understanding how the system is actually used is :-

  Correct Answer  

Use-case-driven design

  Your Answer  

Object oriented system


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Which funciton is used to append first n characters of a string at the end of another?

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  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Single Answer


UML uses :

  Correct Answer  

OCL [ object Constraint Language ]

  Your Answer  

XML [ Extended mark up language ]




Only one comment can be given in a C program

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  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Single Answer


It is an idendical function to strcmpi function :-

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Select The Blank


________ means type of return value of a function.

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  Your Answer  





strstr() finds number of occurences of a give string in another string.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer


displays a single character

displays a single character


echoes a typed character

echoes a typed character, but an enter key should be hitted.


does not echo a typed character

echoes a typed character


echoes a typed character, but an enter key should be hitted.

accepts a string


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Individual element in the array can be referred with :-

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Select The Blank


________ is logical OR operator

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  Your Answer  



 Select The Blank


In call by reference of passing array elements, the function argument is always ________

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  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


What will be the output of the following main(){ int i = 1; char c='A'; printf("%d",i * c); printf("%f",i * (c+2));}

  Correct Answer  

floating point error , 65

  Your Answer  

65 , 67.000000




The use case may begin with no precondition or with some preconditions.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  





If the value of a formal argument is changed in the called funciton, the corresponding changes take place in the calling funciton.

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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Which of the following operators have 1st priority in operations?

  Correct Answer  

* , / , %

  Your Answer  

* , / , %




Real falls under secondary constant

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  Your Answer  



 Select The Blank


The address of a structure ________ be passed to a function.

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 Select The Blank


After goto, ________ has to be mentioned to pass the control.

  Correct Answer  

label name

  Your Answer  

label name




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