Monday, April 26, 2010

C Programming - 8

Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer


carriage return

carriage return





form feed

form feed



carriage return


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


What will be the output of the following main(){ printf("%d", 7/22 + 25/5); printf("%f", 7/22 + 25.0/5);}

  Correct Answer  

5 , 5.000000

  Your Answer  

5 , 5.000000


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


How much memory is occupied by each character in the array?

  Correct Answer  

one byte

  Your Answer  

one byte




Control instructions are used to control the sequence of execution of various statements in program

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Point out the errors if any. main ( ) { int i=100; while(i<=100); {printf("%d ",i ) ; i--; }do; }

  Correct Answer  

do; is incorrect , no ; at the end of while

  Your Answer  

do; is incorrect , no ; at the end of while , it will turn into infinite loop




One structure can be nested within another structure.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Which of the following keywords are associated with switch statement?

  Correct Answer  

case , default , break

  Your Answer  

case , default , break


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


How many values a function can return at a time?

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Single Answer


How many nesting of structures is possible?

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


What will be the output of the following main(){ int i = 1; char c='A'; printf("%d",i * c); printf("%d",i * (c+2));}

  Correct Answer  

65 , 67

  Your Answer  

65 , 67




Arithmetic instructions are used to control the sequence of execution of various statements in program

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Which of the following functions of a floppy can be done using structure?

  Correct Answer  

formatting a floppy

  Your Answer  

coppying a data of a floppy




A function can return only one value at a time.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Select The Blank


Just passing the address of the ________ element of the array to a function is as good as passing the entire array to the function.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Select The Blank


________ is a way to assign an address of variable a to pointer p.

  Correct Answer  

p = &a;

  Your Answer  

p = &a;


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


What will be the output? main(){ char name[10]="String"; int j=strlen(name); puts(name); printf("%d",j);}

  Correct Answer  

String , 6

  Your Answer  

String , 6


 Select The Blank


________ function finds first occurrence of a given character in a string.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  





Logical operators cannot be used with 'do' loop.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  





switch requires an integer expression.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Select The Blank


To declare a function choice() which returns a character value and has two integer arguments, ________ statement is written.

  Correct Answer  

char choice(int,int);

  Your Answer  

char choice(int a, int b );


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


The language used for modeling and documenting system is :-

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Which of the following is valid declaration of an integer pointer 'no'?

  Correct Answer  

int *no;

  Your Answer  

int *no;


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


In sequence diagram, the horizontal arrowhead line shows

  Correct Answer  

Message 'from- to'

  Your Answer  

Message 'from- to'


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Which agruments are required for fgets()?

  Correct Answer  

address of the string , maximum length , file pointer

  Your Answer  

file pointer


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


The collaboration diagram shows both :-

  Correct Answer  

Collaboration and sequence

  Your Answer  

Collaboration and sequence


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


A subscript of first element in an array is :-

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


What will be the output of the following main(){ char c='ab'; printf("%c", c); printf("%d",c);}

  Correct Answer  

a , 97

  Your Answer  

a , 97


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Which of the following statement is wrong

  Correct Answer  

3 + a = b;

  Your Answer  

con = 'T' * 'A';


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Which of the following form is possible to express the real constant

  Correct Answer  

Both fractional and exponential forms

  Your Answer  

ASCII form only


 Select The Blank


________ operator is used to refer to the structure element, when structure pointer is declared

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Single Answer


From expression - a = 6.6 / x + ( 5 * a + (3 * r)) / ( 5 / x ) which operation will be performed first?

  Correct Answer  

( 3 * r )

  Your Answer  

( 3 * r )


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


'a' is an integer. 'p' is a pointer pointing to 'a'. Which of the following are valid statements to display the address of 'a'?

  Correct Answer  

printf("%u",&a); , printf("%u",p);

  Your Answer  

printf("%u",&a); , printf("%u",p);


 Select The Blank


________ is logical NOT operator

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Single Answer


If array is initialised while declaring :-

  Correct Answer  

Mentioning dimension is not complusory

  Your Answer  

Mentioning dimension is complusory


 Multiple Choice Single Answer


Which function is used to write the output to an array of characters?

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Arguments can generally be passed to functions in the following two ways :-

  Correct Answer  

sending the values of the arguments , sending the addresses of the arguments

  Your Answer  

sending the values of the arguments , sending the addresses of the arguments




Just like array of int / float, there can be array of pointers.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  





The set of statements belongining to a function are enclosed within a pair of braces.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Select The Blank


________ is an input statement in C

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer

Test Model

Stipulates test strategy, test plans, test specifications, test results and test recovary reports.

Stipulates test strategy, test plans, test specifications, test results and test recovary reports.

Analysis Object Model

Presents information how object model will be executed.

Converts design object model to implementation model based on reusable component technology.

Use case Model

Defines actors inside and outside of use case and their behaviour.

Implements use case data

Implementation Model

Converts design object model to implementation model based on reusable component technology.

Presents information how object model will be executed.


 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Which of the following are not control instructions in C?

  Correct Answer  

Input/ Output , Arithmetic

  Your Answer  

Repition or Loop , Case , Arithmetic




The default prototype of any C function is 'int'.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Select The Blank


After the case, ________ expression is not allowed.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Multiple Choice Single Answer


What is a string?

  Correct Answer  

A character array

  Your Answer  

A character array


 Select The Blank


fopen() returns ________, if file is absent.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  



 Select The Blank


________ is escape sequence for new line.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  





The keywords should not be used as variables.

  Correct Answer  


  Your Answer  





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